Wednesday, May 21, 2014

TV/Cartoon Workout

If you are like any other mom you probably find it extremely difficult to fit your workout in. It is important for us to be able to be healthy and workout while also spending time with our family. I have come up with a great workout that you can do while your kids watch cartoons! This allows you to get a total body workout in while being with your kids. You will even make a great impression on your family that being healthy and taking care of yourself is extremely important and they may even jump in on your workout!

This workout is in two sections. The first is called "Showtime Strength" which is done while the show is on. This section is strength/weight training. You will do each exercise 10 times and keep repeating them until the commercial starts.  The second section is called "Commercial Cardio" which is high intensity cardio bursts. You will do each exercise for 30 seconds (length of most commercials) and keep repeating them until the show is back on.  Here is a video to walk you through the entire workout.

Showtime Strength: 10 seconds per exercise as many times as you can during the show
Commercial Cardio: 30 seconds per exercise until the commercial break is over

Showtime Strength 1
Lunges with bicep curls
Squats with shoulder press
Lunges with shoulder raises

Commercial Cardio 1
Half burpees
High knees
Mountain climbers

Showtime Strength 2
Lunge with tricep curls
Sumo squat with center shoulder raise
Deadlift with row

Commercial Cardio 2
Speed skaters
Plyometric squats
Over and back jumps

Showtime Strength 3
Plank (elbows and toes)

Commercial Cardio 3
Jumping Jacks

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