Monday, May 12, 2014

Food Prep

For years I have heard people say how crucial it is to prepare your food in advance for the day/week so you have quick easy healthy foods to stay on track. I kind of took this advice the same way I did for the people who say how life changing a kid will be, how much you will love them, etc. Well as a mom who has now experienced the latter I can also say the former is true. These people were speaking the truth. Weeks when I don't prepare a meal plan, groceries and/or actually cook things in advance I am absolutely more likely to fall off track by making last minute unhealthy decisions or eating out. If you tell yourself in advance what you are eating for the week you have already set yourself up for success.  Here are a few of my best meal prep tips.

1. Plan out your meals for the week. Planning out your meals not only makes your week easier so you don't have to think about what you are cooking but it helps you keep your grocery budget down. If we go to the store only once a week and get exactly what we need for the weekly meal plan you aren't going to be making misc. trips to the store or the drive thru saving you time and money.

2. Prep as much food as possible in advance. I find that if I have food ready in the fridge to grab I eat so much healthier.  As a mom I'm always needing things that are quick, easy and healthy.  This week I prepped some grilled chicken, roasted sweet potatoes (also great finger food for toddlers), lettuce (for salads, wraps, etc.) and pineapples.

Grilled Chicken
I get the family pack of boneless skinless chicken breasts and cut each one in half longways to make them thinner and to get more out of the package.  I use a non-stick griddle with a little bit of non-stick cooking spray as well as some salt-free seasoning blend. The salt-free blends are a great way to add flavor and spice things up without adding sodium.  Once they are cooked I cut them into cubes and portion them out into ziploc baggies for the week. I can use the chicken to eat by it self, in a wrap, on a salad, in a stir fry, etc.

Sweet Potatoes
I took three sweet potatoes and peeled and diced them into 1/2 inch cubes. I drizzled 2 tsp of olive oil along with some black pepper. I bake them at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes and then portion them out into bags as well. My son loves these and so do I.  They are good right out of the fridge or heated up.

What items do you like to prepare in advance? I would love to hear your ideas as well.

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