Thursday, May 22, 2014

Crock Pot Oatmeal

My mornings are usually pretty hectic between working out, showering, getting ready, getting my dogs fed, getting my son dressed and fed, packing his daycare bag and getting us both out the door so I can be to work on time!  I needed to find something quick, easy and healthy for breakfast and this  crock pot oatmeal is just the thing. The nice part is my son loves it as well so that makes breakfast much simpler...and all moms can use simpler!  Here is how it's done:

1.  Get your crock pot, steel cut oats, apple of choice, cinnamon and almond milk ready.

2. Cut up your apple (I used granny smith) and place it in the bottom of the crock pot.

3. Sprinkle cinnamon over the apples.

4. Pour 1 cup of steel cut oats over the apples

5. Pour 2 cups of almond milk (unsweetened vanilla) and 2 cups of water over the oats and apples.

It will appear that there is way too much liquid but don't be alarmed it will get absorbed!!

6. Turn the crock pot on high and place the lid on top.

7. About one hour into cooking give the crock pot a stir and the oats will looks something like this.  They will still appear very soupy because they don't get to that perfect point until 10-15 minutes before they are done.

8. Cook the oats for another hour until they are tender and look like this.  You still want to leave them a little bit on the runny side because as they sit in the fridge they expand.

9. Allow them to cool for just a bit and then pour them in a storage container and keep in the fridge to eat all week! I can get 5-6 servings out of this pot. That is a low calorie delicious breakfast for you that is easy!

10. When I am ready to eat them I put some in a bowl and heat up for about one minutes, stirring halfway through. If they get a little thick in the fridge you can add a bit of almond milk before heating the up. I top them with some honey and walnuts and enjoy!!

You could do so many variations of this recipe. I have added raisins, almonds, different types of apples, cocoa powder, etc. The possibilities are endless.  I hope you enjoy and that you get some time back in your morning to enjoy with your family...or heck to get 10 more minutes of sleep!!

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