Friday, May 30, 2014

7 Day Clean Eating Challenge: Day 3

Day 3
So far so good! I normally work from home and have the luxury of prepping my meals when I want but I went into the office today and had lunch with a friend.  I made very healthy lunch choices while eating out...yes it is possible! I repeated my taco salad with leftover meat that I cooked yesterday for dinner as well as the other half of my avocado and my egg muffins for breakfast. Making extra of the food you like to have on hand is a great way to help you stay on track! Here is a breakdown of my meals along with pictures:

Breakfast: Two egg muffins with feta cheese and nitrate free peppered turkey bacon (made extra yesterday!)

Snack:Red Grapes

Lunch: Chef salad with turkey, ham, tomatoes, cucumbers and balsamic (picture is stock photo from Newks website because I forgot to take a picture!) I did not have the cheese or croutons.

Snack: Almond Milk Latte from my favorite coffee shop! YUMMY!

Snack: Green Apples with 1 TBSP Almond Butter

Dinner: Taco salad with greens, grass-fed ground beef, avocado and homemade salsa.

Snack: Homemade Paleo apple muffin (was NOT good..way too eggy for a muffin and I ended up throwing most of it away.) Hey you win some and you lose some:)

According to my Lose It app I had 1381 calories for the day! I felt really amazing today. My body is already starting to adjust to eating better healthier food. It's amazing how much lean meat, veggies and fruit can fill you up and keep you full. On to Day 4!!

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