Monday, June 9, 2014

Morning Person?

If someone asked me if I was a morning person or a night owl I would definitely say morning person, although you wouldn’t have guessed that over the past year.  Prior to having my son last year I was up working out most mornings.  Something about being done with my workout and ready to take on the day by 6:45 a.m. is extremely exciting to me.  For me if I wait until after a day of working, grocery shopping, paying bills, phone calls, cooking, running after a toddler etc. etc. I can easily talk myself out of working out.  I quickly got out of this routine after my son was born because as any new parent would tell you, you must cherish every second of sleep you can get.  I was lucky to get in a few runs each week between feeding sessions in addition to teaching my spin and kickboxing class each week...and working a full time job!

Even when I was a regular morning workout person I will admit that I never heard that alarm and jumped out of bed smiling ready to take on a workout.  I would hit the snooze, moan and groan and think of excuses to go back to sleep.  When I would finally roll out of bed (except the times I went back to sleep) and get my workout in I started to feel better and better.  It would take until the workout was done to be fully awake and realize how incredible it felt to start my day out on the right track.  I don’t think there has ever been a time that I thought what I was about to do was a good idea when the alarm went off.  In contrast I also don’t think there has ever been a time that I regretted the workout once it was over.

As I write this post I have already taken a 5:30 a.m. spin class, had coffee, showered, fed the dogs, packed my sons bag for daycare and turned on the news…and it’s only 7:05 a.m.! I feel empowered to take on the day and know that I will accomplish so much today because of it.  Although I don’t think I will ever get to the point where I wake up smiling and laughing I will continue to workout in the mornings as much as possible so I have no excuses!  I encourage you to try the same thing for one week.  Take at least three days during a week and wake up 45 minutes to an hour before you normally would and get some sort of workout in.  Go to a class as your gym, do a home workout dvd, go for a run, etc.  You won’t regret it!

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