Tuesday, June 3, 2014

7 Day Clean Eating Challenge: Day 7

Wow I can't believe today completed the challenge. I am feeling great and so much leaner. I feel awesome in my clothes and I don't have caffeine withdrawal headaches or sugar withdrawal headaches, etc. I just feel good! Don't get me wrong I definitely still would love some bad food but I'm focused and know that this is just the kick start I needed to get my eating on track. Here is a breakdown of my meals along with pictures:

Breakfast: Homemade egg cups (egg, egg whites, ham, feta) 260 calories and 32g protein for 4 egg cups!!! They were delicious.

Snack: 1/2 banana with 1.5 tsp almond butter and an almond milk latte (I wasn't planning on having a latte today but my best friend called and offered to bring me a coffee to work...I couldn't resist!)

Lunch: Ground turkey with black beans and avocado (leftover from yesterday)

Snack: Natures Path gluten Free apple oatmeal (craving something sweet!)

Snack: Homemade chicken salad (greek yogurt, grapes, almonds) on 1/2 slice Ezekiel toast

Dinner: Talapia fillet with leftover mixed veggies and 1/2 homemade peanut butter cup

According to my Lose It app I had 1422 calories for the day! I had an amazing upper body workout this morning. My arms are getting so lean and fit just in time for swimsuit and tank top season. The end! But is really is just the beginning of a new way of eating!

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